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What is Microtox?

Microtox is a type of facial that is tailored to your skincare needs. We use a customized cocktail of products – including Botox – to address your skin concerns beyond dynamic lines and wrinkles. Instead of injecting into the muscle, as we do with traditional neurotoxin treatments, microtox involves a technique where we place multiple tiny injections just beneath the surface of the skin.
Utilizing a precise and artistic approach, and by combining different ingredients in your personalized cocktail, Microtox can address a multitude of concerns and results are often seen much quicker than with traditional neurotoxin treatment.

Conditions Treated with Microtox

A wide variety of skin conditions and problems. Some examples of the skin conditions and issues that microneedling is commonly used to treat are as follows:

With this treatment your skin will look tighter and smoother in just a few days, instead of up to two weeks as with traditional neurotoxin treatments.

Your customized cocktail will include some of the following

Botox or Dysport


(Such as Hyaluronic Acid)

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Fibrin

We Can't Wait to Treat You