5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Botox

1. Botox Can Improve Skin Quality 

In the face, our muscles are attached to bone on one end and to the skin on the other end, which is how we control our facial expressions. Elsewhere in the body, muscles are only attached to bone and tendon.
Botox ( BOTOX® Cosmetic , Dysport®, XEOMIN®, Jeuveau®) is a neurotoxin that when injected into a muscle it causes temporary relaxation of that muscle.  The resultant muscle relaxation from Botox treatment affects tiny muscle fibers attached to glands that control sebum and oil production, resulting in reduced pore size, less oil, and less breakouts. If you have had Botox before you may have noticed your skin is clearer  while you are in the active phase of your treatment. 

Microtox, as opposed to regular Botox treatment in the muscles, is a targeted superficial treatment that can be performed in several different manners, such as direct injection or superficial microneedling. With microtox, we are not treating the deep muscles of facial expression, but instead only the superficial fibers that control the pores. This treatment is used specifically to target complexion and texture. With Microtox we can see a decrease in pore size, improvement in skin texture, and decreased breakouts and clogged pores. 
My favorite Botox treatment plan is a combination of the two – regular Botox treatment for lines and wrinkles every 3 – 4 months, and microtox with our exclusive blend of serums using a Hydraneedle about 6 weeks after regular Botox treatment (this is also the perfect glow treatment to get a few days before an event!) 

2. Can Help Treat Depression

The muscles of the Glabella (between the eyebrows) are depressor muscles, meaning they pull the eyebrows in and down. The facial expressions produced by these muscles are often attached to negative emotions such as sadness, anger, and frustration. Several Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) have shown cosmetic Botox treatment, specifically in the glabella, to improve mood and affect. Results have been similar in efficacy- and in some studies suggested to be equal- to daily oral anti-depressants.  The mechanism of action for this is currently unclear and requires further studies, however, is it possible that by inhibiting the ability to make the expressions of negative emotions we decrease our frequency in feeling those emotions? There is definitely something to say about manifesting what kind of day you will have and perhaps this is a similar phenomenon.

3. Treats AND Prevents Fine Lines and Wrinkles 

Our skin is our largest organ and it has many important functions including protecting us from the environment with temperature regulation (capillary dilation and vasoconstriction, sweating), infection prevention (as a barrier), and UV protection (by producing melanin). Skin is also a huge tool we use to connect with physical touch and is often one of the first features we notice on each other. Researchers have discovered that skin has three essential biomechanical functions: (1) Strength, (2) Pliability (ability to stretch), and (3) Elasticity (ability to recoil like a rubber band snapping back). As we age, these properties of skin are significantly affected and change the way our skin is able to protect us. Of these three features, skin elasticity is the most affected by aging. Studies have shown that regular Botox treatment helps skin retain its ability to stretch and snap back (elasticity) by preventing repetitive muscle movements and overuse. 
Many people think they don’t need Botox until they have a lot of visible wrinkles, however, I recommend starting Botox as prevention when you see your first static line, or lines present at rest. Once you have deep set static lines, botox will be less effective at TREATING these wrinkles and instead will soften them. For this reason, it’s important to begin PREVENTION once you see your first static line. 

4. Treats Headaches & TMJ pain

Humans naturally hold a significant amount of tension in the muscles of the face, head, and neck, which many experts think is a common cause of headaches. You can see a neurologist and have Botox injected into targeted areas in the scalp, cervical spine, and even trapezius muscles to help treat headaches. Cosmetic Botox can also help with these types of headaches as we hold a lot of tension in our face and jaw. Many people clench their jaw throughout the day and at night. This is an unconscious response to stress and can be a big cause of headaches and jaw pain. We can use Botox to specifically treat these areas, relax the muscles, and relieve chronic TMJ pain and tension related headaches. 

5. Prevents Jowling and Sagging Corners of the Mouth

The muscles in the lower face need Botox love too! The lower face is often neglected when we think about getting Botox. As we age, our facial structure changes and heaviness develops at the lower third of the face due to gravity and loss in elasticity. Our facial muscles and the expressions we regularly make play a role in this change over time. I particularly love injecting Botox in the muscle that pulls down the corners of the mouth (DAO- Depressor Anguli Oris) to help prevent the heavy sagging in this area that leads to jowling and marionette lines. As a bonus some people notice a more upright smile. 


1. Bonaparte, James P., and David Ellis. “Alterations in the Elasticity, Pliability, and Viscoelastic Properties of Facial Skin after Injection of Onabotulinum Toxin a.” JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, vol. 17, no. 4, 2015, pp. 256–263., https://doi.org/10.1001/jamafacial.2015.0376.

2. Hanna, Edith, et al. “Role of Botulinum Toxin A in Improving Facial Erythema and Skin Quality.” Archives of Dermatological Research, vol. 314, no. 8, 2021, pp. 729–738. Pubmed, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00403-021-02277-0. Accessed 27 Nov. 2022.

3. Herd, Clare P, et al. “Botulinum Toxins for the Prevention of Migraine in Adults.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015, https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.cd011616.

4. Schulze, Jara, et al. “Botulinum Toxin for the Management of Depression: An Updated Review of the Evidence and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 135, 2021, pp. 332–340., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.01.016.

5. Wollmer MA, Magid M, Kruger THC, Finzi E. Treatment of Depression with Botulinum Toxin. Toxins. 2022; 14(6):383. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins14060383